Create out-of-this-world Alexa Skills with students (ages 14+).
No Amazon device required.
Alexa Skills Inventor is a program on MIT App Inventor that enables students (ages 14+) to code their own Alexa Skills. No Amazon device is required. All skills are built with block code, making it easy for anyone to learn the basics of voice AI and invent their own Alexa Skills.
In order to participate in the Alexa Skills Inventor program, educators will need to create a program-specific login with MIT App Inventor. After creating an account, educators can choose from a variety of lesson plans that come with everything needed to make teaching voice AI easy and fun - including slide decks, worksheets, tutorial videos, and more.
The Alexa Skills Inventor program is currently available for US students ages 14+.
“I used to think artificial intelligence was only in movies and robots being smart like people, but I learned it’s also just tech that can respond to you and help you with everyday life.”
High School Student, Mississippi -
“This was a fun lesson and a great way to end the year. The students were super excited to hear Alexa respond to them!”
High School CS Teacher, Nebraska -
“This program has made me think more about what majors I want to choose. I was thinking about doing engineering, but you know, this computer science and tech part, I’m more into it!”
High School Student, Mississipppi -
“I enjoyed learning about code and the importance of innovation to promote the general good. I always knew that Alexa was useful, but I underestimated the uses of Alexa before these lessons. Learning more about the functions of Alexa, implicit biases, and space promoted my interests in computer science.”
High School Student, California -
I really enjoyed teaching these lessons. I thought they were interesting, and the students found them interesting.
High School CS Teacher, Connecticut -
“I enjoyed being able to communicate/talk to an AI that responds to my utterances and commands. It was very interesting.”
High School Student, New Jersey
The following videos are included in ProjectSTEM’s “Intro to Voice AI” lesson. Preview each video below - they are also included in lesson slides decks.