Career Tours
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Scholarships & Internships:
Pathways to Your Career

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From on-the-job experience to networking, discover how an internship can support your career journey on this free and interactive behind-the-scenes tour!
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Video Companion
Career Icon STEM + Career-focused
Students gain exposure to the internship experience at Amazon as they discover what a day in the life of an intern looks like, navigating office culture, and more!

On the tour, students will go behind the scenes at Amazon’s Seattle headquarters and meet current and former Amazon Interns who will talk about their experience as an intern. Students will learn what it’s like to intern at a tech company, debunk myths about internships, learn about office culture, get tips for the application process, and more!
Standards Icon Aligned to Standards
The 40 minute, interactive tour is aligned to International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards. The Teacher Toolkit includes a facilitation guide, worksheets, and other resources to support learning during the tour. Recommended for grades 8+.

Scholarships & Internships: Pathways to Your Career is aligned to the following CSTA standard:
  • 2-CS-02 Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.

    Concepts: Computing Systems
    Subconcept: Hardware & Software
    Practices: Creating
The tour is aligned to the following International Society for Technology in Education standards:
  • Empowered Learner: - 1.1a Learning Goals - Students set learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process to improve learning outcomes.
  • Empowered Learner - 1.1b Customized Learning Environments - Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
  • Digital Citizen - 1.2.b Online Interactions - Students demonstrate empathetic, inclusive interactions online and use technology to responsibly contribute to their communities.
  • Global Collaborator - 1.7.a Global Connections - Students use digital tools to connect with peers from a variety of backgrounds recognizing diverse viewpoints and broadening mutual understanding.
  • Global Collaborator - 1.7.b Multiple Viewpoints- Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts and community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
  • Global Collaborator - 1.7.c Project Teams - Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
  • Knowledge Constructor - 3a.Students use effective research strategies to find resources that support their learning needs, personal interests and creative pursuits.
  • Knowledge Constructor: 1.3.a Effective Research Strategies - Students use effective research strategies to find resources that support their learning needs, personal interests and creative pursuits.
  • Creative Communicator: 1.6.a Choose Platforms or Tools - Students choose the appropriate platforms and digital tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
Play Icon Play it on Kahoot!
Kahoot!: The fun, game-like tour will be available for FREE on Kahoot! to all interested classrooms and families. Students can play each other while learning about the internship experience. No account required.

Teacher Toolkit

Our Teacher Toolkit provides educators with guides, worksheets, and other documents aligned to CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Use these materials to discover all the possibilities with computer science learning and careers of the future, and to set students up for success before, during, and after the tour.
  • Internship Notecatcher Image
    Student Worksheet
    Distribute graphic organizers for students to capture their biggest learnings and wonderings on the tour.
    Internship Notecatcher Image
    Distribute graphic organizers for students to capture their biggest learnings and wonderings on the tour.
    Distribute graphic organizers for students to capture their biggest learnings and wonderings on the tour.
  • internship answer key
    Student Worksheet Answer Key
    Check your students fill-in-the-blank answers on the student worksheet.
    internship answer key
    Check your students fill-in-the-blank answers on the student worksheet.
    Check your students fill-in-the-blank answers on the student worksheet.
  • Internship Facilitation Guide preview
    Facilitation Guide
    Read instructions for setting up the Kahoot! tour with classes. Slide by slide script for delivering the tour to students.
    internship facilitation guide image
    Read instructions for setting up the Kahoot! tour with classes. Slide by slide script for delivering the tour to students.
    Read instructions for setting up the Kahoot! tour with classes. Slide by slide script for delivering the tour to students.
  • Internship TL Preview
    Key Student Learnings
    Discover the key vocabulary and learnings covered on the Internship tour by tour stop.
    Internship Tour Learnings - Image
    Discover the key vocabulary and learnings covered on the Internship tour by tour stop.
    Discover the key vocabulary and learnings covered on the Internship tour by tour stop.
  • Internship Certificate
    Print and distribute student certificates to celebrate completing the tour!
    Internship Certificate
    Print and distribute student certificates to celebrate completing the tour!
    Print and distribute student certificates to celebrate completing the tour!


What will my class see on the tours?

On the tour, students will meet current and former Amazon Interns who will talk about their experience as an intern. Students will learn what it’s like to intern at a tech company, debunk myths about internships, learn about office culture, get tips for the application process, and more!

To learn more, visit the Internship Tour Toolkit and download the student learnings document.

What CSTA standards is the tour aligned to?

Scholarships & Internships: Pathways to Your Career is aligned to the following CSTA standards:

2-CS-02 Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.
Concepts: Computing Systems
Subconcept: Hardware & Software
Practices: Creating

What ISTE Standards is the tour aligned to?

The tour is aligned to the following International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards:
  • Empowered Learner: - 1.1a Learning Goals - Students set learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process to improve learning outcomes.
  • Empowered Learner - 1.1b Customized Learning Environments - Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
  • Digital Citizen - 1.2.b Online Interactions - Students demonstrate empathetic, inclusive interactions online and use technology to responsibly contribute to their communities.
  • Global Collaborator - 1.7.a Global Connections - Students use digital tools to connect with peers from a variety of backgrounds recognizing diverse viewpoints and broadening mutual understanding.
  • Global Collaborator - 1.7.b Multiple Viewpoints- Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts and community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
  • Global Collaborator - 1.7.c Project Teams - Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
  • Knowledge Constructor - 3a.Students use effective research strategies to find resources that support their learning needs, personal interests and creative pursuits.
  • Knowledge Constructor: 1.3.a Effective Research Strategies - Students use effective research strategies to find resources that support their learning needs, personal interests and creative pursuits.
  • Creative Communicator: 1.6.a Choose Platforms or Tools - Students choose the appropriate platforms and digital tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

How long is the tour?

The Scholarships & Internships: Pathway to Your Career tour is designed to take 40 minutes (~1 class period).

What grade levels can attend?

We recommend the tour for students in grade 8 and above. The tour includes content accessible to each grade and teachers can use the Teacher Toolkit to adjust learning how they see fit.

Teachers of students below grade 8 may preview the tour using solo play to determine if it is appropriate for their students.

How much does this cost?

The tour, and all materials included in the accompanying Teacher Toolkit, are provided to teachers at no cost. You do not need a paid Kahoot! account to take the tour - sign up for a free teacher account on Kahoot! or utilize the solo play links on our website to play completely free.

What student data is collected?

We do not collect personal student information on either tour. If a teacher does have a Kahoot! account, they can assign the tour to their students to track their students’ progress, but individuals’ information is not shared with Amazon. During the tour, students will answer poll questions about their intent to pursue careers in STEM and their overall satisfaction with the tour. These questions are multiple choice and do not collect any Personally identifiable information (PII) from students.

Can individual students sign up by themselves, independent of a class?

Yes, absolutely. Students can also play the Kahoot! version of the tour on their own.

Why can't I see the videos when I play the tour in Kahoot! ?

We apologize for the inconvenience. Videos are embedded from YouTube, and if blocked by a firewall, will appear as black screens or not play. If your school has YouTube blocked, please have your district IT or Admin whitelist the links to each video in the tour.

Who can I contact for questions?

Please reach out to for any questions. For questions about the Kahoot! platform, please reach out to Kahoot!.
Play another tour!
Amazon Future Engineer students can boost their future for themselves and their community with the support of college funding, paid internships, and industry mentors. Visit this website to learn more. Applications open in Fall 2025.
Amazon Music: Careers Behind the Beats. From studio to streaming, discover how computer science and people make listening to your favorite songs possible.
After taking the tour, teachers can complete a survey to receive a $5 Amazon gift card. (US teachers only)
  • I have been a teacher for 33 years. The majority of those years were spent at the middle school level. This tour about internships was extremely well made. I like the layout/pacing of video segment to Kahoot questions for engagement purposes. Students are very interested in seeing other people who they think are “cool”. These interns reflect who our middle schoolers will be in their future.
    Teacher, Holland, MI
  • I loved the materials that were provided for the teacher. This has been a perfect option to integrate here at the end of the school year. The fact that is was ready to go and needed little to no prep for me was a huge game changer. It was also very engaging and on a level the kids could understand.
    Teacher, Faith, TX
  • It was so interesting to hear the experiences of the interns. I wish I had known about these pathways when I was younger!
    Teacher, Aiken, SC
More Ways to Explore
We provide thousands of classrooms with quality computer-science teacher training and curriculum to make sure educators have the tools they need to feel confident in the classroom.
Amazon Future Engineer students can boost their future for themselves and their community with the support of college funding, paid internships, and industry mentors.
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